Dear students and families,
We hope that you are enjoying your summer break! This week, we are mailing your schedule. Our hope is that students will begin the first day of school scheduled into the courses they need and want, to eliminate missed instructional time. The first few days of a course are spent going over the syllabus and expectations for the course. Missing these days due to incomplete schedules or requesting schedule changes can make it hard for a student. Please contact us before school starts with any necessary change requests. Unfilled courses in semester 2 (for high school students) or quarters 2-4 (for sixth grade students) will be scheduled once credit checks are completed in advisory. Unfilled courses in the first semester need to be scheduled before school starts. Please come to the school from August 8-10, 14, or 17 or email necessary change requests to or
If you are scheduled for a Spanish course, please be advised that we do not have a Spanish instructor for this school year. We can offer online options to receive foreign language credits. If you would like to take Spanish through an online platform, there is no need to change your schedule. If you prefer to choose a different elective, please email or
We would also like you to complete our computer checkout before school starts. Technology checkout will take place on Thursday, August 17. We will send a more detailed schedule next week.
Next, we want to inform you that some changes have been made to the Student/Parent Handbook based on the feedback we received from students, parents, and staff last school year. Most of the updates are related to the schedule, grading scales, dress code, and eligibility for extracurricular activities. The new version of the handbook can be found at Please take some time to look at the adjusted schedule on Page 7. Lunches have been separated for each grade in middle school.
Throughout the school year we want you to be informed about what is happening in the school and how your student is doing. Each morning there are announcements to make students aware of upcoming opportunities, events, and important information. Here is the link where you can access the daily announcements. We also try to post information to the school’s Facebook page and website. To stay informed of how your child is doing in school, please sign up for Parent Portal by contacting Sheila Siebenthal ( if you haven’t done so already. Here you can access assignments, due dates, and grades. Finally, make sure that the school has accurate contact information for you so that information sent through School Reach is delivered.
We would like to invite you to our Bison-R-Back event on August 17, 2023 at 5:00 pm -7:00 pm. We will have a short presentation for all Secondary students and their parents. Afterwards, we will have a short presentation for freshmen (9th graders) and parents.
We are excited for the upcoming school year, and we look forward to seeing students and families soon.
Secondary Administration
605-745-4147 - PHONE
605-745-4234 - ATTENDANCE LINE
605-745-4166 - FAX
Principal: Kain Klinkhammer
Assistant Principal: Eric Reynolds
Athletic Director/College and Career Counselor: Michael Deming