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Assessment Information

2023-24 School Year Assessment Calendar

Hot Springs School District Assessment Information

The goal of the South Dakota Department of Education is that all high school students graduate college, career, and life ready. To this aim, the South Dakota assessment system is designed to provide districts, schools, and parents with the information they need to ensure that their students remain on track to reach this goal. South Dakota public school students participate in annual summative testing in English language arts and mathematics and the results of these tests are included in the state accountability system. In addition to annual tests in English language arts and mathematics, South Dakota requires assessment of science and writing annually and provides schools and teachers with resources to utilize other assessments to help identify strengths and areas for improvement.

Assessment Calendar

Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium

South Dakota is part of the SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium, or SBAC. The SBAC is a consortium of states that have been working collaboratively to develop a student assessment system aligned to the Common Core State Standards in English language arts and math. South Dakota is one of 21 governing states, which allows the state decision‐making participation. The remaining six are advisory states. 

The SBAC focus is on assessing students annually in grades 3‐8 and 11. The system includes both summative and interim assessments and will use computer adaptive testing technologies to the greatest extent possible to provide meaningful feedback and actionable data that teachers and other educators can use to help students succeed.

South Dakota Science Assessment

The South Dakota Science tests measures students’ mastery of the South Dakota State Academic Standards in Science adopted in May, 2015 at grades 5, 8, and 11. This test will cover the grade spans of 3‐5, 6‐8, and high school. Questions will come equally as possible from life, physical, and earth sciences at all 3 tested levels. This assessment will be completely online.

South Dakota Science Alternate Assessment

The SDSA‐Alt is available for students who have a significant cognitive disability. These students are working with the Core Content Connectors and their IEP’s indicate alternate assessment for statewide testing.


ACCESS for ELLs 2.0® stands for Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State‐ to‐State for English Language Learners. This large‐scale test addresses the academic English language proficiency (ELP) standards at the core of the WIDA Consortium's approach to instructing and evaluating the progress of English learners. ACCESS for ELLs is taken annually by identified English learners to measure their English proficiency. The South Dakota Department of Education requires ELs in Grades 1‐12 be administered the online version except in cases where online testing is not allowed. 

MSAA (South Dakota Alternate Assessment)

Alternate Assessment is available for students who have met the significant cognitive disability criteria. These students are working with the Core Content Connectors and their IEP’s indicate alternate assessment for statewide testing.


National Assessment of Educational Progress and assessed in the areas of language arts and mathematics. The testing window for students in grades 8 will be from January 28 to March 8, 2019. The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subject areas. Most students will take the assessment on tablets, while a small subset of students will take paper-and-pencil versions. Each student will take NAEP in one format and one subject only. Results will be released at the national, state, and TUDA levels for the mathematics and reading assessments at grade 8.



District Calendar

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Current Condition: scattered clouds

Temperature: 54.64˚F

Feels Like: 51.69˚F

Wind Speeds: 26.17mph

Weather humidity: 40%

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Contact Information

Hot Springs School District
1747 Lincoln Avenue
Hot Springs, South Dakota 57747

Hot Springs School District 23-2

Central Office Hours:

M – Th 7:30 am to 4:30 pm

Friday 8 am to 12 noon

Phone: 605-745-4145
Fax: 605-745-4178
